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Hello everyone,

I am back! Well as this blog is for my assignment. Well,  Teen Murti Bhavan was my research area and after going there I had to find an opportunity area. An opporunity area is you can say an scope of improvement. In this assignment I had to look at my area in a designer's perspective, that how can we improvise the world rather than just changing trends, how can we make big changes via small things.

Well, coming back to what I was about to write. We had to find a opportunity area and I have found it!  As i was going through the premises of Teen Murti Bhavan In the process, I saw an opportunity in the planetarium regarding the information display. There are various boards kept in the planetarium filled with textual information of very small size that no one wants to read beacuse all the people come with their younger ones, who gets bored and dont let them read either.

Area to improvise
But at the same time the modals do attract people but as no one’s there to explain people lack interest. And this small exhibits are the only thing which interest people while waiting for their shows in the dome shaped threatre.So, I thought of taking ‘Planetaium Information Display’ as my micro area or micro enviornment. 

I will be telling you about my final design in my next blogpost.

Reference : Self


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