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Showing posts from May, 2017

Material Basket

Hi everyone, Well, I told you all that this blogpost will be about my final design, but it is not. In this blogpost I will like to show you all my Material Basket, another assignment given to us.  Material Basket In this assignment we had to make something which has the exterior of a bag or a basket and which gives the essence of our research area. We tried to keep the exterior of the basket very formal as Teen Murti Bhavan is a gorverment area. And coloured it with the colours in Teen Murti Bhavan keeping in mind the colour palette (the colour proportions). We also did the pen drawing of it gated at it sides.  When you open it you will see a lot of wooden texture at all it’s sides. Along with a grass matt to give an essence of the parks in Teen Murti Bhavan. We also sticked various books to give the essence of a library. And various photos along with the files (miniature) of Jawaharlal Nehru is also kept to give the essence of Museum. A satellite is also kept to
Hello everyone, In this blogpost I will be telling you all about my design interpretation.  Well, to improve the display of Nehru Planetarium, Delhi. I thought that for it I can make is a better display using arrows or symbols. Or I can develop a self explainatery modal which should interest the people. To make of a specified age group. Well I thought of making it for kids because the planetarium exhibits is fine enough for mature minds but not for kids. -Something which is easy to handle. -Something that interests them. Than I looked at other place Planetarium, Science Centres, etc; to get an idea of what all is already done and what more can be done. Mind Mapping After that I started gathering information, I took out a lot of information about the formation of Earth. Formation of Earth Well I you read the above article you will understand that the Earth's physical structure is made from the collision of infinite meteors And then I thought of a lot of
Hello everyone, I am back! Well as this blog is for my assignment. Well,  Teen Murti Bhavan was my research area and after going there I had to find an opportunity area. An opporunity area is you can say an scope of improvement. In this assignment I had to look at my area in a designer's perspective, that how can we improvise the world rather than just changing trends, how can we make big changes via small things. Well, coming back to what I was about to write. We had to find a opportunity area and I have found it!  As i was going through the premises of Teen Murti Bhavan In the process, I saw an opportunity in the planetarium regarding the information display. There are various boards kept in the planetarium filled with textual information of very small size that no one wants to read beacuse all the people come with their younger ones, who gets bored and dont let them read either. Area to improvise But at the same time the modals do attract people but as no one’s t

Nehru Planetarium

Hi, Hope you are all loving to know about Teen Murti Bhavan and are also planning to go there. And if not than I guess after reading this post you will. This post is about Nehru Planetarium. Nehru Planetarium Planetarium corridor There are about 5 Nehru Planetariums all around India. One of them is situated in Teen Murti Bhavan. It attraces about 2 lakh tourist per year.  This planetarium was inaugrated by Indira Gandhi on Feburary 6’ 1984. It has about 270 seats and is a dome shaped sky threatre. It promotes astronomy and give information on planets, solar system, constellation, zodiac, milkyway etc. Nehru Planetarium in itself contains several quizes, megastar projector, telescopes, Soyuz-T-10 which carried Rakesh Sharma, it also has his spacesuit and his journal on display. It has a dome shaped sky threatre having definite optical star projector which is capable of showing 2 billion stars at once. The screen in the threatre is made of fibre glass. When major solar eclips

Nehru Memorial Library

Hello everyone, I hope you are all liking my posts. Well today I am going to tell about the Nehru Memorial Library that is inside the premises of Teen Murti Bhavan. Nehru Memorial Library Nehru Memorial Library Nehru Memorial Library is one of the most finest library for the study of Indian Independence Movement and also for the study of pre and post colonial period.The library at first was started in the museum itself in 1966. But in 1974 a new building came into being. Thelibrary is only openfor the bonafide researchers who has to pay a nomianal fee of about Rs 500/-. The library contains about 267 thousand printed books and 200 thousand pictures of Jawaharlal Nehru’s life. The books there can be bought. Regular purchases helps the library to get upgraded. The library was first made inside the museum itself in 1966, butlater a new building came into being from 1974. The library also focuses on modern Indian history. It has a back to back volume ofnewspaper cuttings